JAGE (Japan Association for Global Education) is a nonprofit organization which was newly set up in November 2008 on a basis of the activities of JAFIE(Japan Association for International Education), our parent organization.
Before the foundation of JAFIE in 1970, there used to be several small associations for overseas education in each prefecture. With the growing demand of the research extension to all over Japan in the world progress afterwards,JAFIE was set up in order to unify its prefectural activities and has been playing a significant part as the center of the development, international (global) education.
Since its foundation, with the huge network of more than 2,500 schools throughout Japan,JAFIE has been very actively engaging in such activities as promotion of global education and international exchanges between schools and students, teacher dispatch programs to developing countries and so on.
JAGE, as a NPO, inheriting JAFIE’s activities, will intend to professionalize them and to promote global education and more contribution to the international understandings and cooperation.